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Rabbi Pam
Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil Toward a Spirituality of Responsibility
Towards a Spirituality of Responsibility Fostering a Form of Spirituality that Responds to Social Needs Thomas Menamparampil Introduction...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Yoel Gluck on Jealousy
A Teaching About Jealousy based on the Dhammapada By Rabbi Yoel Glick The Dhammapada is a well known Buddhist scripture consisting of the...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld on Women and Tallit
To Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency of the State of Israel Dear Chairman Sharansky, I was pleased to see that Prime...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld on Agunot
The Sin of Indifference By Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld Shavuot 5773, May 2013 On Shavuot we read the book of Ruth. One of the most famous...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak on Counting the Omer
Counting the Omer A teaching of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichiv[1] Translated by Rabbi Pamela Frydman Why do we recite shehecheyanu on...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Kook on Death
A Teaching on the Vision of Death by Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook[1] from Lights of Holiness, Volume 2, Section 380 Click here for original...

Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Dovid Wolfe-Blank teachings on Yom Kippur
This teaching is excerpted from the Meta Parshiot series of commentaries by Rabbi Reb Dovid Wolfe-Blank z”l. This is included his is...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Dov Linzer, Women Navigating a Man’s World
Women Navigating a Man’s World is an insightful and enlightening Dvar Torah on Parshat Vayeshev by Rabbi Dov Linzer. Rabbi Linzer serves...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Dov Linzer, A Marriage of Equals?
A Marriage of Equals? is a very interesting Dvar Torah on Parshat Vayeitzei by Rabbi Dov Linzer. Rabbi Linzer serves as the Norman and...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi David Kalb in Support of Women of the Wall
Rabbi David Kalb in support of Women of the Wall Rabbi David Kalb, International Co-Chair of Rabbis for Women of the Wall, gave this...
Rabbi Pam
Bishop Swing’s Prayer for hearts that carry the weight of nuclear weapons
A PRAYER FOR THOSE WHOSE HEARTS CARRY THE WEIGHT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS This prayer was adapted and read for the December 2014 Vienna...
Rabbi Pam
Honoring Rabbi Avi and Toby Weiss
Rabbi Avi Weiss is a gadol bador, a great being of our generation. He was a champion in the struggle to free Soviet Jewry, he is a...

Rabbi Pam
New Year’s Greetings from Ukraine
Religious Union for Progressive Jewish Congregations of Ukraine Wishes you a year of health, prosperity and goodness! May the New 5775...
Rabbi Pam
Dan Yagudin
Dan Yagudin posted this letter on the Facebook page of Gold Medal Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman on the 40th Anniversary of the 1972 Munich...
Rabbi Pam
Daniel Lowenstein, M.D.
Dr. Dan Lowenstein is a Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Neurology at UCSF Medical Center. He was selected by the UCSF...
Rabbi Pam
An Inconvenient Confessional
An Inconvenient Vidui Prepared by Barry Kamil for Yom Kippur 5776 Rabbi Arthur Green wrote, “The day is short. I believe we stand at a...
Rabbi Pam
Rabbi Dov Linzer, Was Rivka a (Gasp!) Feminist?
“Was Rivka a (Gasp!) Feminist?” is an insightful and enlightening Dvar Torah on Parshat Chayei Sarah by Rabbi Dov Linzer. Rabbi Linzer...
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